
May Membership Drive

Help us reach our goal of growing our community of Members

May 01 - 31

Help us reach our goal of growing our community of Members!

This May is our Membership Drive! Art is so fun when done with friends, so we are encouraging our members to get their friends to join us! When a member recruits a new member, both parties will receive a handmade, spring-themed and block-printed card made by Art Association staff, as well as a coupon to our Art Supply Store located in the gallery. If you have recruited a member, email so we know it was you, and once the membership goes through, your card will be on its way! We appreciate our members greatly, so on top of that, all new members during the month of May will receive a card, with or without a sponsor.

Membership supports our mission of encouraging a vital, creative community by providing everyone with exposure to, education in, and enjoyment of a wide variety of art experiences. Members receive fantastic benefits and are a part of a vibrant community of art lovers!

Become a Member today!