March Member of the Month: Sandy Ostdiek

March Member of the Month: Sandy Ostdiek
By: Loren Scales
March 28, 2024
What is your occupation?
I work part-time as a bookkeeper for Rendezvous Engineering, where my husband is a partner in the firm. For the past few years, I also volunteered and work at Teton County Public Health’s Vaccine Clinics.
How long have you been a member of the Art Association?
I first joined sometime in the mid-1990s. Over the years, I have taken numerous classes, but have especially enjoyed several watercolor classes from Fred Kingwill and a series of oil pastel classes with Lucinda Abbe.
What is your art background and why are you involved with the Art Association?
I grew up in a “crafty” family and have dabbled in various forms of art off and on most of my life. I took an art class or two in college, but felt I needed to pursue a more “practical” career and obtained a masters degree in business administration. Over the years, as time and life allowed, I enjoyed creating with various craft and art mediums, focusing primarily on oil pastels, acrylics, and watercolors. A few years ago, I found that I had the desire and time to begin again with watercolors. Now, I am trying to be more intentional about making time for art in my life. This is just one of the reasons I rejoined the Art Association. Taking classes helped revive some lost skills, and interacting and volunteering with the staff and other artists has inspired me to keep going.

Favorite Art Association event or class?
It’s hard to pick just one class or favorite event, but as an aspiring artist, and Art Association volunteer, Whodunnit? ranks high on my list. For an amateur artist, it is gratifying to see your work hanging in a gallery, and not nearly as intimidating to do it anonymously. As a volunteer, I loved seeing the joy and enthusiasm of the other artists…especially some of the younger participants who were so excited to have their art displayed and admired by others.
Fun Fact about yourself?
I won a Fire Prevention art poster contest in 4th grade. That may have been what sparked (pun intended) my interest in art.